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  • “好再来”金华煲庄
  • 天津粤唯鲜天娇园店
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  • 津门第一盆
  • 天津现代人酒吧咖啡厅
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  • 温馨港湾咖啡厅
  • 纯美湾美容院
  • 好望角西餐酒吧
  • 向日葵形体健美俱乐部
  • 名典咖啡语茶
  • 天津喜来登国际健身中心
  • 梦露练歌场
  • 天津伊势丹
    电脑及配件 家用电器
    汽车 手机及卡号
    家具百货 宠物
    书籍音像 其他


    地区: 和平区

    特色: 西餐厅、酒吧

    地址: 天津市和平区常德道68号(与昆明路交口)

    电话: 23126616 23126659

    推荐等级: ★★★★★




      餐厅概况 Brief Introduction


      Cosy Cafe & Bar is located in Tianjin Five Main Avenues. Cosy takes continuous innovation and providing high quality service to our guests as the faith of Cosy. Since the founding of Cosy eight-year ago in Tianjin, Cosy has enjoyed a good reputation in China and overseas, and has become the outstanding in this field with the traditional western food & dishes, considerate service, elegant circumstance to have dinner, and high-level international band live show.

      餐厅历史 History


      The founding of Cosy Cafe & Bar in 1996, it has held eight-year history. Being the first Cafe & Bar of managing western food and bar, we had managed four places. In the initial period of the founding, the foreign guest was the main cluster of consumption. Due to its traditional western food, Cosy enjoyed a good reputation in China and overseas. Since the enlarging our business in 1999, the domestic fashionists are gathering in Cosy now. And the excellent live show is performed by the Class-A foreign band every night in Cosy.


      TEL: 23126616         23126659

      Add: No.68 Changde Dao Heping District Tianjin China


      E-mail: cozycafe@eyou.com


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